You may not see any more posts this year (2006) because I will be on vacation until Jan. 7, 2007. I will be in Australia (aka Oz) with my family, hunting down those elusive ancestors ~ maybe the ones I can't find moved there? Just kidding. I have no known family who have moved there, but I will be taking a much-needed break.
Have a great Holiday Season and a Happy New Years! I will continue to post after I get back (give me a few days to recover from jet lag!)
A blog devoted to the ancestors and descendants of George Villalba and Rosa Josephina Barrios...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
When Family Lore and Census Data Collide...
The census in the previous blog has a lot of information -- not only in what it actually says, but in the family lore that it contradicts. This blog entry will detail that contradiction, as well as discuss the actual information too.
But first, housekeeping! I forgot to give credit where credit was due! The citation for the link (and a big thank you!) goes to: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005.
Ok, the contradiction: Family lore is that Sixto sent Rosa and Emma to San Francisco so that Rosa would not marry George (Jorge) Villalba. But George followed her to SF and convinced her to marry him against her parents' wishes.
But as the previous posts show, George was living in San Francisco BEFORE Rosa came. And ship records show that Emma came to SF right before the wedding, and her passage was paid for by her father. If she was sent to dissuade her sister, then it would be unlikely that she would serve as maid of honor/witness. Hmmm.... definitely have to do more research on this!
Other things that this census points to that will need more research:
(a) was this Alfred Villalba a brother? a cousin? someone totally not related but with the same name?
(b) relationship of the other Salvadoreans living in the house at that time
(c) Naturalization records for Robert and George! This census states that they exist, and if they do, they detail a lot about where the person, and the person's family, came from.
(d) need to research ships' passenger records for more information and Villalba sailings
(e) definitely need to go to SF and get pictures of the house (if it still exists) and walk around. It is always cool to walk the same sidewalks as an ancestor.
But first, housekeeping! I forgot to give credit where credit was due! The citation for the link (and a big thank you!) goes to: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:, Inc., 2005.
Ok, the contradiction: Family lore is that Sixto sent Rosa and Emma to San Francisco so that Rosa would not marry George (Jorge) Villalba. But George followed her to SF and convinced her to marry him against her parents' wishes.
But as the previous posts show, George was living in San Francisco BEFORE Rosa came. And ship records show that Emma came to SF right before the wedding, and her passage was paid for by her father. If she was sent to dissuade her sister, then it would be unlikely that she would serve as maid of honor/witness. Hmmm.... definitely have to do more research on this!
Other things that this census points to that will need more research:
(a) was this Alfred Villalba a brother? a cousin? someone totally not related but with the same name?
(b) relationship of the other Salvadoreans living in the house at that time
(c) Naturalization records for Robert and George! This census states that they exist, and if they do, they detail a lot about where the person, and the person's family, came from.
(d) need to research ships' passenger records for more information and Villalba sailings
(e) definitely need to go to SF and get pictures of the house (if it still exists) and walk around. It is always cool to walk the same sidewalks as an ancestor.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
George Villalba on the 1920 US Census

The above image, although not very clear here, is the 1920 US Census for San Francisco. The top two lines are the details for Robert and George Villalba. The bottom line of the previous page [not shown] lists an Alfred Villalba also living at the same place. I'm not sure if Alfred is a sibling of George's or not, but I will list his information here just in case.
Robert, Alfred and George were lodging in a house, along with several other men from San Salvador. I have written down the information for the other Salvadoreans in the house, and will research them to see if they are related or friends of the family [which can sometimes turn out to be distant relatives]. Sometimes if you can't find your family, you can trace the neighbors or close friends to find them!
I'll comment on what this census information means in relation to our genealogy in the next blog.
Transcription of the above (Villalba info):
1920 United States Federal Census
State of California
County of San Francisco
City of San Francisco
Enumeration District: 4
Sheet Number 5A [Alfred on Sheet 4B]
Enumeration Date: 5 January 1920
Address: 1511 O'Farrell St.
Line No. 1
Name: Robert Villalba
Relation to head of household: Lodger
Sex: M
Color or Race: W[hite]
Age at last birthday: 22
Single, Married or Widowed: S
Year of Immigration to the US: 1914
Naturalized or Alien: Naturalized
Year of Naturalization: 1919
Attended School since Sept. 1, 1919: [blank]
Able to read: Yes
Able to write: Yes
Place of Birth: San Salvador
Mother Tongue: Spanish
Father's Place of Birth: Spain
Father's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Mother's Place of Birth: Spain
Mother's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Able to speak English: Yes
Kind of work done: Laborer
Establishment where work done: Dray Company
Employer, Salary or Wage earner: W[age]
Line No. 2
Name: George Villalba
Relation to head of household: Lodger
Sex: M
Color or Race: W[hite]
Age at last birthday: 21
Single, Married or Widowed: S
Year of Immigration to the US: 1918
Naturalized or Alien: Naturalized
Year of Naturalization: 1919
Attended School since Sept. 1, 1919: no
Able to read: Yes
Able to write: Yes
Place of Birth: San Salvador
Mother Tongue: Spanish
Father's Place of Birth: Spain
Father's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Mother's Place of Birth: Spain
Mother's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Able to speak English: Yes
Kind of work done: Laborer
Establishment where work done: Dray Company
Employer, Salary or Wage earner: W[age]
Name: George Villalba
Relation to head of household: Lodger
Sex: M
Color or Race: W[hite]
Age at last birthday: 21
Single, Married or Widowed: S
Year of Immigration to the US: 1918
Naturalized or Alien: Naturalized
Year of Naturalization: 1919
Attended School since Sept. 1, 1919: no
Able to read: Yes
Able to write: Yes
Place of Birth: San Salvador
Mother Tongue: Spanish
Father's Place of Birth: Spain
Father's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Mother's Place of Birth: Spain
Mother's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Able to speak English: Yes
Kind of work done: Laborer
Establishment where work done: Dray Company
Employer, Salary or Wage earner: W[age]
Last line on page 4B
Name: Alfred Villalba
Relation to head of household: Lodger
Sex: M
Color or Race: W[hite]
Age at last birthday: 24
Single, Married or Widowed: S
Year of Immigration to the US: 1919
Naturalized or Alien: Pa
Name: Alfred Villalba
Relation to head of household: Lodger
Sex: M
Color or Race: W[hite]
Age at last birthday: 24
Single, Married or Widowed: S
Year of Immigration to the US: 1919
Naturalized or Alien: Pa
[I'm not sure what this stands for; definitely not the Na they used for naturalized citizens]
Year of Naturalization: [blank]
Year of Naturalization: [blank]
Attended School since Sept. 1, 1919: [blank]
Able to read: [blank]
Able to write: [blank]
Place of Birth: Spain
Mother Tongue: Spanish
Father's Place of Birth: Spain
Father's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Mother's Place of Birth: Spain
Mother's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Able to speak English: No
Kind of work done: none
Establishment where work done: [blank]
Able to read: [blank]
Able to write: [blank]
Place of Birth: Spain
Mother Tongue: Spanish
Father's Place of Birth: Spain
Father's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Mother's Place of Birth: Spain
Mother's Mother Tongue: Spanish
Able to speak English: No
Kind of work done: none
Establishment where work done: [blank]
Employer, Salary or Wage earner: [blank]
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Another Marriage in the Family

Sometimes researching a collateral line yields new information. A collateral line is a non-direct blood line, basically researching the sibling of someone in your direct line or another relative. As an example, and to continue the research on this line, I am posting the above, page one of the marriage license of Jorge (George) Villalba's brother, Robert to my "Aunt Helen" (although she is my mom's aunt. I won't be posting the second part of the marriage license, as I did with Jorge and Rosa.
My best transcription:
Groom Information (left side)
Name: Robert Segura Villalba
Address: 16 Walter St.
Race: White
Age last birthday: 28
Marital Status before this marriage: [blank, but x's over widowed, divorced]
Number of Marriage: 1
Birthplace: Spain
Occupation: Mechanic
Name of Father: Alfred S. Villalba
Father's Birthplace: Spain
Name of Mother: Juana Calabuik
Mother's Birthplace: Spain
Bride Information (left side)
Name: Mrs. Helen Elisabeth Vincent
Address: 16 Walter St.
Race: White
Age last birthday: 26
Marital Status before this marriage: [blank, x's over single, widowed, indicated divorced]
Number of Marriage: 2
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA
Occupation: housewife
Name of Father: Louie Hillcourt
Father's Birthplace: Denmark
Name of Mother: Phoebe Ranzan
Mother's Birthplace: Oregon
Maiden Name of Bride if previous married: Helen Hillcourt
We, the Groom and Bride named in this Certificate, hereby certified that the information given therein is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Signed: Robert Segura Villalba and Helen Elisabeth Vincent
Filled out in the presence of Barry J. Gould, Deputy County Clerk
Certificate of Person Performing Ceremony
I HEREBY CERTIFY that Robert Segura Villalba and Helen Elisabeth Hillcourt were joined in marriage by me in accordance with the laws of the State of California at [blank], City and County of San Francisco, State of California, this 16th day of October, 1923.
Witness to the Marriage: Salvador Brand, 1345 Laguna St.
[not listed is second witness named on pg. 2: J. Castille of 1714 Sutter]
Signature of Person performing the Ceremony: Frank W. Dunn, Justice of the Peace
Filed Oct. 20, 1923 E. Godchaux, Recorder
There is lots of additional and new information on this one page of the certificate. First, Robert was born in Spain around 1897 [date of marriage - 26 yrs of age]. This make the time spent in El Salvador by the family less than 30 years, and also gives me a new location -- Spain -- to look for information. With this time frame, I can now look for immigration information for the family from Spain to Central America to San Francisco.
Second, Robert lists his mother's maiden name as Calabuik, not Segura that Jorge listed. Given that the Spanish naming sequence is very different from the American one, it is possible that both are correct! This also give me more avenues to research.
The last bit of information is the names of the Witnesses. Normally these are more than passing aquaintances, and sometimes are relatives. If Salvador or J. Castille came to the US with Robert, it is possible they could be cousins or some other connection.
Monday, December 04, 2006
The Marriage of Rosa Josephina & Jorge, Part II

City and County of San Francisco
State of California
City and County of San Francisco
No. 347
These Presents are to authorize and license any Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice of the District Court of Appeals, Judge of the Superior Court, Judge of the Police Court, Justice of the Peace, Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any denomination, to solemnize, within said county, the Marriage of
George Villalba (white) and Rosa Barrios (white)
aged 26 yrs and past, resident of City and, age 24 yrs and past, resident of City and,
County of San Francisco, State of California, County of San Francisco, State of California
said parties being of sufficient age to be capable of contracting marriage as appears by affidavit of record in my office.
In Witness Thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the City of County of San Francisco, this 18 day of Jan., 1928
(seal) H.I. MCULCREVY, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of said Superior Court
by A.J. Walcott, Deputy
State of California
City and County of San Francisco
George Villalba and Rose Barrios
the parties in the above license, were joined in marriage by me on the 19th day of January, A.D. 1928
in said City and County and State,
that Emma Barrios, a resident of City and, County of San Francisco, State of California,
and Robert Villalba, a resident of City and, County of San Francisco, State of California,
were present as witnesses of said ceremony.
Name: M. Emma Barrios, No. 231 Delano St.
Name: Robert Villalba, No. 231 Delano St.
In Withness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this 19th day of January A.D. 1928
Gil Casarez, Catholic Priest
Filed for Record at the request of Gil Casarez on Jan. 20th, 1928.
There are several things that struck me about this marriage license when I found it. One is that all the parties involved (except the priest and SF officials) all lived at the same house, 231 Delano, in San Francisco! This is unusual because (a) bride and groom living together in the late 1920's was pretty scandalous, and (b) according to family lore, Emma never lived in the U.S. That a priest would marry them, living in sin, or that Emma would lie about her residence to a priest seemed more than a little odd. Possible explanations for (a) was that Emma and Rosa were staying with the Villalbas (family friends from El Salvador) when the couple decide to marry, and for (b), that Emma was simply asked where are you staying and she gave that address. It was not uncommon for this type of misunderstanding to occur, as the difference between where one resides/lives and where one is staying can be very subtle, especially when a language translation was involved as it was here. The priest would certainly not look askance at this explanation of same addresses for the parties involved.

City and County of San Francisco
State of California
City and County of San Francisco
No. 347
These Presents are to authorize and license any Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice of the District Court of Appeals, Judge of the Superior Court, Judge of the Police Court, Justice of the Peace, Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any denomination, to solemnize, within said county, the Marriage of
George Villalba (white) and Rosa Barrios (white)
aged 26 yrs and past, resident of City and, age 24 yrs and past, resident of City and,
County of San Francisco, State of California, County of San Francisco, State of California
said parties being of sufficient age to be capable of contracting marriage as appears by affidavit of record in my office.
In Witness Thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the City of County of San Francisco, this 18 day of Jan., 1928
(seal) H.I. MCULCREVY, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of said Superior Court
by A.J. Walcott, Deputy
State of California
City and County of San Francisco
George Villalba and Rose Barrios
the parties in the above license, were joined in marriage by me on the 19th day of January, A.D. 1928
in said City and County and State,
that Emma Barrios, a resident of City and, County of San Francisco, State of California,
and Robert Villalba, a resident of City and, County of San Francisco, State of California,
were present as witnesses of said ceremony.
Name: M. Emma Barrios, No. 231 Delano St.
Name: Robert Villalba, No. 231 Delano St.
In Withness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this 19th day of January A.D. 1928
Gil Casarez, Catholic Priest
Filed for Record at the request of Gil Casarez on Jan. 20th, 1928.
There are several things that struck me about this marriage license when I found it. One is that all the parties involved (except the priest and SF officials) all lived at the same house, 231 Delano, in San Francisco! This is unusual because (a) bride and groom living together in the late 1920's was pretty scandalous, and (b) according to family lore, Emma never lived in the U.S. That a priest would marry them, living in sin, or that Emma would lie about her residence to a priest seemed more than a little odd. Possible explanations for (a) was that Emma and Rosa were staying with the Villalbas (family friends from El Salvador) when the couple decide to marry, and for (b), that Emma was simply asked where are you staying and she gave that address. It was not uncommon for this type of misunderstanding to occur, as the difference between where one resides/lives and where one is staying can be very subtle, especially when a language translation was involved as it was here. The priest would certainly not look askance at this explanation of same addresses for the parties involved.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Marriage of Rosa Josephina & Jorge, Part I

This is page one of the marriage license of Rosa Josephina Barrios and Jorge Villalba. I'll post the second page of this certificate next (with discussion). Even though I've tried to enlarge the blog post, it's still fairly hard to read. My best transcription:
Groom Information (left side)
Name: George Villalba
Address: 231 Delano Avenue [San Francisco]
Race: White
Age last birthday: 26
Marital Status before this marriage: Single
Number of Marriage: 1
Birthplace: San Salvador, CA
Occupation: Clerk
Name of Father: Alfred Villalba
Father's Birthplace: Spain
Name of Mother: Juana Segura
Mother's Birthplace: Spain
Bride Information (left side)
Name: Rosa Josephine Barrios
Address: 231 Delano Avenue [San Francisco]
Race: White
Age last birthday: 24
Marital Status before this marriage: Single
Number of Marriage: 1
Birthplace: San Salvador
Occupation: Domestic
Name of Father: Sixto Barrios
Father's Birthplace: San Salvador, CA
Name of Mother: Inez Monterie
Mother's Birthplace: San Salvador, CA
We, the Groom and Bride named in this Certificate, hereby certified that the information given therein is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Signed: George Villalba and Rosa J. Barrios
Filled out in the presence of A. J. Walcott, Deputy County Clerk
Certificate of Person Performing Ceremony
I HEREBY CERTIFY that George Villalba and Rosa Josephine Barrios were joined in marriage by me in accordance with the laws of the State of California at Sacred Heart Church, City and County of San Francisco, State of California, this 19th day of January, 1928.
Witness to the Marriage: M. Emma Barrios [no address given]
Signature of Person performing the Ceremony: Gil Casarez, Catholic Priest
546 Fillmore St [San Francisco]
Filed Jan. 20, 1928
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Who's Who -- Rosa & George Villabla's Family
This is the last photo taken of Grandma Rosie with her children. I'd say this was from the late 70s or early 80s. Unfortunately do not have any pictures of my grandfather. From left to right:
Back Row: Lisa, Mimi and Georgie
Front Row: Yolanda, Rosa, Carmen
Who's who in the family:
Parents: Rosa Josephina Barrios (Grandma Rosie) & Jorge Villalba (George)
Carmen -- (b. 1928)
Louisa -- "Lisa" (b. 1930)
Emma Yolanda - "Yolanda" (b. 25 Apr 1931, d. 15 Aug 1993)
Rosa Miriam* -- "Mimi" (b. 1933)
George -- "Georgie" (b. 25 Jan 1939, d. 21 Sep 2005)
*For those of you wondering how I fit into all this, Mimi is my mom! And yes, she reads my blog. **shout out to mom!**

This is the last photo taken of Grandma Rosie with her children. I'd say this was from the late 70s or early 80s. Unfortunately do not have any pictures of my grandfather. From left to right:
Back Row: Lisa, Mimi and Georgie
Front Row: Yolanda, Rosa, Carmen
Who's who in the family:
Parents: Rosa Josephina Barrios (Grandma Rosie) & Jorge Villalba (George)
Carmen -- (b. 1928)
Louisa -- "Lisa" (b. 1930)
Emma Yolanda - "Yolanda" (b. 25 Apr 1931, d. 15 Aug 1993)
Rosa Miriam* -- "Mimi" (b. 1933)
George -- "Georgie" (b. 25 Jan 1939, d. 21 Sep 2005)
*For those of you wondering how I fit into all this, Mimi is my mom! And yes, she reads my blog. **shout out to mom!**
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Getting Some Attention!
Woo Hoo! This blog, along with my other family blogs (see side bar), merited a mention in George G. Morgan's "Along Those Lines... " (11/16 post)! Check it out at or use the link in the side bar under Favorite Websites.
George Morgan is an well-known genealogy speaker, writer and teacher. His column, "Along Those Lines..." was featured on for many years, until he recently moved it to this new blog. George and Drew Smith host "The Genealogy Guys" weekly podcast, which I listen to religiously, and which also was an inspiration for starting my blogs.
It's truly an honor to be mentioned in George's blog and I was so excited when he personally emailed me back to let me know he was posting a link to my blogs. I've been walking on air all week!
George Morgan is an well-known genealogy speaker, writer and teacher. His column, "Along Those Lines..." was featured on for many years, until he recently moved it to this new blog. George and Drew Smith host "The Genealogy Guys" weekly podcast, which I listen to religiously, and which also was an inspiration for starting my blogs.
It's truly an honor to be mentioned in George's blog and I was so excited when he personally emailed me back to let me know he was posting a link to my blogs. I've been walking on air all week!
Monday, November 13, 2006
They came in ships....

This is the picture of the "Albert Vogler", mentioned in the previous blog, "Passport Photo and Journey". In 1927 it was part of the Hugo Stinnes Linien (Hugo Stinnes Line) which ran liners and freight around the world. From the passenger list, we learn that this particular ship sailed to the following ports:
8/11/1927 Corinto, Nicaragua
8/18/1927 La Libertad, El Salvador
8/22/1927 Acajutla, El Salvador
9/2/1927 Mazatlan, Mexico
9/9/1927 San Francisco, CA, USA
It's unclear which Salvadorean port the Barrios boarded at. Both ports are shown lumped together. The other first class passengers from El Salvador were Porfirio Garcia Suerez, Asst. Sec. of Finance for El Salvador, and Luisa Salguero, a housewife. In Mexico, the ship picked up Fritz Unger, German Consul in Mazatlan.
While this is the first documented voyage to San Francisco (that I can find), it certainly is not the last. My grandmother made many trips back and forth between San Francisco and El Salvador during her lifetime, both via ship and via airplane.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Serendipity & Susan are a Genealogist's best friend!
Today I was googling family names and seeing what would pop up. I found my aunts' names in a transcription for the Horace Mann Jr. High Graduation program of 1944 on the SF Genealogy website. Here's the actual link:
There was also a note telling me to contact Susan D. Slade Grossl if I wanted a scan of the program, so of course I emailed her right away. Susan got right back to me with several pages of scans for the program (thank you Susan) plus sent a surprise -- the above photo, which I didn't know existed! Thank you, thank you, thank you Susan! The picture is in great shape, and the faces are very clear. I'm sorry that they scan so small on the blog (I'm going to have to work on getting them bigger). I will try to get more details when I see my aunts in a couple weeks (of course they get a copy of this).
I will talk more about who's who in my family in later blogs, but Carmen and Louisa are the daughters of Rosa Josephina Barrios in the previous blog.
There is also a backside to this scan with names of all the students. Here is my best transcription with my aunts and Susan's mother in bold:
Front Row (l to r):
Carmen Villalba, Marianna Libertati, Dolores Zuniga, Louisa Villalba, Lydia Ramirez, Eve Williams, Annette Wahl, Carmen Alva, Martha Bultan, Cleo Whittaker, Ethel Wood, Dorothy Wynn
Middle Row (l to r)
Doris Baird, Lucy Ganz, M. Hoffdank, Lauren Tuscany, Barbara Dean, Jo Cisneros, Mari Knowles, Lois Voigts (Susan's mom), Dolores Wynn, Eula Session, Barbara White, Stanley Elefant, Neil Decker
Last Row (l to r):
Bob Ellis, Bruce Castano, Sam Caballa, John Dallas, Mike Dooley, Tom Healy, Rich Futrell

Today I was googling family names and seeing what would pop up. I found my aunts' names in a transcription for the Horace Mann Jr. High Graduation program of 1944 on the SF Genealogy website. Here's the actual link:
There was also a note telling me to contact Susan D. Slade Grossl if I wanted a scan of the program, so of course I emailed her right away. Susan got right back to me with several pages of scans for the program (thank you Susan) plus sent a surprise -- the above photo, which I didn't know existed! Thank you, thank you, thank you Susan! The picture is in great shape, and the faces are very clear. I'm sorry that they scan so small on the blog (I'm going to have to work on getting them bigger). I will try to get more details when I see my aunts in a couple weeks (of course they get a copy of this).
I will talk more about who's who in my family in later blogs, but Carmen and Louisa are the daughters of Rosa Josephina Barrios in the previous blog.
There is also a backside to this scan with names of all the students. Here is my best transcription with my aunts and Susan's mother in bold:
Front Row (l to r):
Carmen Villalba, Marianna Libertati, Dolores Zuniga, Louisa Villalba, Lydia Ramirez, Eve Williams, Annette Wahl, Carmen Alva, Martha Bultan, Cleo Whittaker, Ethel Wood, Dorothy Wynn
Middle Row (l to r)
Doris Baird, Lucy Ganz, M. Hoffdank, Lauren Tuscany, Barbara Dean, Jo Cisneros, Mari Knowles, Lois Voigts (Susan's mom), Dolores Wynn, Eula Session, Barbara White, Stanley Elefant, Neil Decker
Last Row (l to r):
Bob Ellis, Bruce Castano, Sam Caballa, John Dallas, Mike Dooley, Tom Healy, Rich Futrell
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Passport Photo and Journey

This is the earliest photo I currently have of the Barrios Family. From left to right, Emma, Rosa Josephina (my grandmother), Dr. Sixto Barrios and Ines Monterosa Barrios. The photo is possibly a passport photo for their journey to San Franciso in 1927. The styles and photo certainly date from that era.
According to Passenger Lists, Sixto, Emma and Rosa travelled on the ship Albert Vogler, as First Class Passengers. They arrived on Sept. 9th, 1927, which was a little over 3 months before Rosa's marriage to Jorge Villalba on Jan. 19th, 1928. Ines is not listed as being on the ship, so at this time I am assuming that she stayed in El Salvador. I will try to post the passenger list, as well as a picture of the ship and its route in other entries.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Blog Introduction
This blog tracks my discoveries while researching my VILLALBA and BARRIOS family lines. I will be posting photos, documents, stories and anything else I can find! It is a way of sharing this information with other family members as well as allowing others to contribute, correct and discover us!
While there are a lot of Scheels, this blog mainly focuses on the ancestors and descendants of Rosa Josephina Barrios and Jorge (George) Villalba of San Francisco, CA (and El Salvador). Most postings will be on ancestors due to privacy and security issues.
Comments, corrections, inquiries and contributions are all gratefully accepted.
While there are a lot of Scheels, this blog mainly focuses on the ancestors and descendants of Rosa Josephina Barrios and Jorge (George) Villalba of San Francisco, CA (and El Salvador). Most postings will be on ancestors due to privacy and security issues.
Comments, corrections, inquiries and contributions are all gratefully accepted.
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