This is page one of the marriage license of Rosa Josephina Barrios and Jorge Villalba. I'll post the second page of this certificate next (with discussion). Even though I've tried to enlarge the blog post, it's still fairly hard to read. My best transcription:
Groom Information (left side)
Name: George Villalba
Address: 231 Delano Avenue [San Francisco]
Race: White
Age last birthday: 26
Marital Status before this marriage: Single
Number of Marriage: 1
Birthplace: San Salvador, CA
Occupation: Clerk
Name of Father: Alfred Villalba
Father's Birthplace: Spain
Name of Mother: Juana Segura
Mother's Birthplace: Spain
Bride Information (left side)
Name: Rosa Josephine Barrios
Address: 231 Delano Avenue [San Francisco]
Race: White
Age last birthday: 24
Marital Status before this marriage: Single
Number of Marriage: 1
Birthplace: San Salvador
Occupation: Domestic
Name of Father: Sixto Barrios
Father's Birthplace: San Salvador, CA
Name of Mother: Inez Monterie
Mother's Birthplace: San Salvador, CA
We, the Groom and Bride named in this Certificate, hereby certified that the information given therein is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Signed: George Villalba and Rosa J. Barrios
Filled out in the presence of A. J. Walcott, Deputy County Clerk
Certificate of Person Performing Ceremony
I HEREBY CERTIFY that George Villalba and Rosa Josephine Barrios were joined in marriage by me in accordance with the laws of the State of California at Sacred Heart Church, City and County of San Francisco, State of California, this 19th day of January, 1928.
Witness to the Marriage: M. Emma Barrios [no address given]
Signature of Person performing the Ceremony: Gil Casarez, Catholic Priest
546 Fillmore St [San Francisco]
Filed Jan. 20, 1928
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