Above is a San Francisco Chronicle article about Emma Barrios (Rosa Josephina's sister) that was printed on May 4, 1929. I'm sure the picture was more flattering when it was actually printed! It totally destroys my ability to rescue it when it's been put on newsprint, then microfiched.
My transcription:
Above Photo: To Boost Trade
Below Photo: Miss Emma Barrios
Young Coffee Queen in S. F.
Miss Emma Barrios Comes From Salvador to Consult Importers
Owner of a 2000-acre coffee plantation in Salvador, Miss Emma Barrios, who arrived here yesterday on the Panama Mail liner Guatemala, is still in her early twenties and, she says, heart free.
"But it's not to look for a husband I have come to San Francisco," she laughed. "I have come here to consult with the coffee importers and boom trade for Salvador coffee growers. That, and to see this famous California for the first time, is the object of my trip."
Miss Barrios, who travels alone, was the center of attraction and admiration on the Guatemala, on its trip from Salvador.
The 1928-29 coffee crop of Salvador, Miss Barrios said, will the the largest and the best in its history. Much of the coffee grown there is imported to the United States through San Francisco. Her own coffee plantation she inherited from her father.
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