Another Sixto Barrios (not my grandfather) is also included in Miguel Angel Garcia's Diccionario Historico-Enciclopedico de la Republica de El Salvador, Volume 7, page 23. I've divided up his page to prevent the blog entries from being overly long, and this is the top portion of his entry. After posting and translating his page, I'll post an entry discussing his relationship to our family.
Transcription in Spanish:
Nacio en ano 1822 en la Hacienda de San Jorge en jurisdiccion de Sesori en el departmento de San Miguel. Fueron sus padres don Mariano Barrios y dona Gertrudis Espinosa, hondurena. El ano de 1846 contrajo matrimonio en la cuidad de Jucuapa de dona Encarnacion Araujo. A fuerza de trabajo honrado llego a formar una fortuna y prodigo el bien siempre que pudo. Para la introduccion del agua del Jucuapa contribuyo con fuertas sumas de dinero y el dia de la inauguracion en marzo de 1868 despues del discurso pronunciado por el ilustre doctor don Miguel Brioso, el senor Barrios obsequio a la sociedad de Jucuapa un esplendido banquete. Murio asesinado en su hacienda Managuare el dia 10 de agosto de 1869.
Transcription in English
Born in 1882 in the Hacienda de San Jorge, Sesori jurisdiction of San Miguel County [of El Salvador]. His parents were Mariano Barrios and Gertrudis Espinosa, a Honduran lady. In 1846, he married Encarnacion Araujo in the city of Jucuapa. By force of honest work, he amassed a fortune and lavished good whenever he could. For the introduction of the water [system] to Jucuapa, he contributed much of the money, and the day of the inauguration [of the water system] in March of 1868, he was subject to much flattery in the speech by the illustrious doctor Don Miguel Brioso, and was honored by a splendid banquet by the society of Jucuapa. He was assassinated on his property of Managuare on 10 of August of 1869.
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