The above is a page from the Diccionario Historic=Enciclopedico de la Republica de El Salvador, by Miguel Angel Garcia, 1946 about my great-grandfather, Sixto Barrios. I'll type the Spanish transcription first, then my best English translation:
Nacio el ano de 1872 en la Hacienda de Managuare jurisdiccion de Sesori en el departamento de San Miguel. Tuvo por padres don Abel Barrios y dona Teresa Alvarenga. Hizo sus estudios primarios y secundarios en el Liceo Salvadoreno e Instituto Nacional. Obtuvo el titulo de doctor en Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Nacional el ano de 1899. Ha ocupado varios e importantes puestos publicos en la administracion de Justicia, come Juez de la. Instancia de San Salvador, Santa Ana y Santa Tecla, Magistrado de la Camara de Occidente y de la Suprema Corte de justicia, Registrador de la Propiedad Raiz. Secretario de la Universidad Nacional y Profesor de varias asignaturas de Derecho. El ano de 1921 electo Diputado a la Constituyente Federal que se reunio en Tegucigalpa.
He was born in the year 1872 on the Managuare Ranch, Sesori, San Miguel. His parents were Don Abel Barrios and Dona Teresa Alvarenga. He had his primary and secondary education in the Liceo Salvadoreno and Instituto Nacional. He obtained his doctorate in Jurisprudence and Social Science from the Universidad Nacional in the year 1899. He has occupied several important public positions in the administration of Justice, like Judge of the Courts of San Salvador, Santa Ana and Santa Tecla, Magistrate of the Chamber of the West and of the Supreme Court of Justice, Registrar of Properties. He was also Secretary of the National University and a professor of various subjects of Law. In 1921, he was elected a Deputy of the Federal Constituency that gathered in Tegucigalpa.
Source: Diccionario historico-enciclopedico de la Republic de El Salvador, Vol. 7
Garcia, Miguel Angel, 1862 or 3-1955
San Salvador, tipografia "La Luz", 1927-
F1483.G21 v7, Green Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA